I have now read every thing referred to here. I have also read : “The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth” and am on-side with it. I have read another book, however, which seems relevant to this discussion: The Scottish Witch-hunt in context, edited by Julian Goodare (2002). I find it relevant here to quote from a passage of Stuart McDonald’s: In search of the Devil in Fife witchcraft cases, 1560-1705. In regard to witches, it was summarised:

“In the godly society which the Church was trying to create and which other members of the elite supported, any powers to harm or heal belonged only to God and could only be explained only by the church. To this enterprise, the Devil or a demonic pact were not required to make her an enemy or a threat; she was a threat by her very existence.”

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Story of my life, Grant. Story of my life!

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